The 6th Sino-European Green Building Industrialization Forum

Engineering Day China 2025.09.19-20 北京 Beijing

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Dr. Alexander Kahnt

Dr. Kahnt is the managing director of Kahnt & Tietze GmbH in Leipzig. The company is involved in the development and use of new construction systems for buildings of the future. These construction systems consist of thin building shells made of carbon concrete and high-performance insulation. This allows more usable space to be realised on the same building footprint. All this leads to a reduction in raw materials and emissions in the life cycle of a building.

He also heads the Sustainable Construction Research Group at the Institute for Concrete Construction led by Prof. Klaus Holschemacher. As part of his doctorate, he studied the building climatic and building physical properties of the building envelope construction. Here he was able to show a clear CO2 savings potential for building constructions of the future.


since 04/2014: Engineering office Kahnt & Tietze GmbH

since 03/2014: Head of the Sustainable Construction Research Group

Institute for Concrete Construction, Prof. Holschemacher, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

03/2009-02/2014: Head of the energy design research group

Institute of Architecture, Prof. Hülsmeier, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences



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